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Writer's pictureKerri Dahl

Hello Friends and Fall!

Hello Everybody!

Can you believe it's October already? I can't! I am so excited for the beautiful cool weather and all of the families I get to sing with this time of year. There's so much to look forward to! We are enjoying many magical musical moments together with the Flute and Hippo collections and with our Music Moves and Private Studio kids! I hope you're loving it as much as I am. The photo above is one of our cute studio members and his mom bonding in music making.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to connect with my children, music has always helped us connect in an indescribable way. I wanted to share this wonderful article with you all.

I learned how studies show infants prefer their mothers singing over speaking, and are also highly engaged in their fathers singing! So use those voices parents! We can use singing in a variety of activities at home to engage and connect with our children. Whether it be a clean up song, bath song, car ride song, or a lullaby we can create a special unique relationship with our children through singing to them, even when it's a made up silly song.

When singing to our children "...The listener and the singer sync up not just emotionally but physiologically—their heart rates, for example, rising and falling together. Singing may also signal to both the child and the parent that the other is fully present. “ Isn't that incredible? I love how they said, "There is a gorgeous power in creating personal, imperfect music to connect with the small creatures who depend on us." It's so true! Enjoy the full article linked below.

Happy Birthday this month to our fall babies: Charlotte, Christy, Benjamin, and Emily!!!

There is still time to join us! If you have any friends who homeschool that might be interested, we have 2 spots available, with a one month free discount for families who register for the Tuesday 10:30a Rhythm Kids class for kids 4-8 and a caregiver! We would love for them to join us! We also have 1 spot each in our Wednesday and Saturday Mixed-Age classes for kids 0-5 and a caregiver! Visit to register! Receive a studio credit for referring a friend!

Sing with you soon!

Miss Kerri

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