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Writer's pictureKerri Dahl

“School bells are ringing loud and clear; vacation’s over, school is here!” ~ Winifred C. Marshall

Greetings from Dahl Studio! We hope your summer was wonderful and that you’re enjoying your September so far!


We would like to wish the happiest of birthdays this month to Cleary, Brooke and Christie!


Group classes are starting up next week and we’ve added a NEW location!

Bunker Dance

7850 W Ann Rd

Las Vegas, NV 89149

Check out our schedule of classes and sign up today!


The teachers of Dahl Studio have been busy this summer growing and training and even obtaining new certifications!

Ms. Kerri received a Cert 1 from Music Together, Professional Development certificate for Piano from the Gordon Institute for Music Learning. All of the teachers trained for the upcoming Music Together Fiddle and Hippo collections, and Ms. Kjerstin completed the Keyboard Games A and B Music Moves training!

We are also excited that Ms. Kjerstin has been approved to teach the amazing and sweet Music

Together Babies classes now. Stay tuned for when those classes will be offered!


We enjoyed making music at our libraries this summer and now have a partnership with both the North Las Vegas libraries and the Library District ! Make sure you are on our email list to be notified of classes in the libraries this next year!

We also had a great time at the Autism Center of Southern Nevada and are registered with the DRC so keep an eye out for more opportunities to make music with us!


Private Studio lessons and Music Moves is wrapping up their first week but there’s still time to join us! Just as a reminder, there is no access to bathroom facilities during lessons and remember to bring your own water. Parents, as a courtesy to the wonderful neighbors, please park outside of the cul-de-sac when waiting for your child. As always, drop-off and pick up in front of the studio are still allowed. Refer to the map below for parking.


Ms. Kerri, Ms Jennifer, Ms. Kjerstin and Ms. Edina would like to thank everyone who came out to our end of summer group class/potluck to celebrate the end of a beautiful summer!

Lastly, we are sending wonderful thoughts to our director Ms. Kerri as she embarks on a new adventure opening a satellite for Dahl studio in Cameron, MO and we know you will each echo our sentiments of thankfulness of all she and her family have done to bring beautiful music making for families to the valley. Thank you Ms. Kerri! It’s never goodbye, just see you real soon!


If you're loving your experience with us, please take a minute and share with us on our Google page or our Facebook page

As always, if you have any concerns or questions, reach out through text, email or give us a call!

Thank you for being a part of our studio family!

Ms. Kerri, Ms. Kjerstin, Ms. Jennifer, and Ms. Edina


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